consulting: voice of the customer (voc)

We follow one of the most robust methodologies for product development: Quality Function Deployment. We has been facilitating and teaching Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodologies for the past 25 years. They provide exceptional product development team facilitation using QFD as a guiding methodology. They also teach workshops on QFD that are comprehensive, effective and concise. Just-in-time training methods can be employed throughout a team's QFD project.

We' adhere to the QFD methodology consistent with the American Suppliers Institute's four phase model of;

  1. product planning,
  2. product design,
  3. process planning, and finally
  4. production planning.

We has a comprehensive background with advanced QFD techniques, including technology deployment, cost deployment, and reliability deployment. Based on the needs of the customer, customized QFD models can be created. The scope of what We can provide to a QFD project team ranges from conducting formal training in QFD to determining appropriate market segments and competition, designing and moderating customer focus groups, analyzing market/industry data, facilitating product development projects using QFD methodology.

organizational change

Management's top priority is planning and ensuring that everyone is working on key business objectives.  We help organizations in the design and development of strategies for change and continuous improvement.

Working with executive management teams, We facilitate group understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization.

We know that change cannot take place unless the organization has a strong strategic focus, listens to their customers and encourages team work.

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