workshops & training

We have the ability to deliver all of our training content in a live workshop or online. We can customize and/or design learning experiences utilizing both on-line and live workshops. As part of our services to our clients, they have free and full access to our on-line training library through our sister company The methodology that we use for live training is taking real life issues and using those scenarios in the application of newly learned information. By using an applied knowledge process, participants learn and retain much more of the workshop content.

organizational change

Management's top priority is planning and ensuring that everyone is working on key business objectives.  Becker Associates helps organizations in the design and development of strategies for change and continuous improvement.

Working with executive management teams, Becker Associates facilitates group understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization.

We know that change cannot take place unless the organization has a strong strategic focus, listens to their customers and encourages team work.

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