our consulting services

Strategic Planning

We facilitate methodologies for creating comprehensive strategic plans.  A critical piece to any strategic plan is product development. We use a highly robust methodology for strategic planning called Hoshin Kanri. As part of the strategic planning pre-work, we facilitate SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis for organizations.

Product Development

Our methodology for product development is Quality Function Deployment (QFD). QFD is an extremely robust product development techniques that involves gathering the voice of the customer and translate customer needs into product specifications. For more information on QFD see, What is QFD?

Voice of the Customer

Gathering the voice of the customer (VOC)uncovers critical needs for any new or existing product or service.  Needs that are processed to discover innovation breakthroughs. We work directly with product development teams to design customer focus groups. Then teach the team how to facilitate their own customer focus groups. For more information on the the VOC process see, Are You Hearing Voices?

Innovation and Creativity

We facilitate innovation and accelerated creativity sessions that help to discover customer needs in new and creative ways.  Creativity that is a skill set of high performing teams. We rely on the field of TRIZ, Neuro Linguistic Programming and the theories of cognitive strategies to teach organizations thinking patterns of creative genius.

Team Building

Team building must be an on-going process for all organizations. We build high performance teams that carry out the strategic mission of the organization based on data collection and analysis. We then focus on the "being" side of teamwork, stressing how to understand individual differences, solve conflict and improve communication. Our foundations for this learning experience are simple quality tools and the Myers-Briggs Type indicator as an instrument of personality analysis.

organizational change

Management's top priority is planning and ensuring that everyone is working on key business objectives.  Becker Associates helps organizations in the design and development of strategies for change and continuous improvement.

Working with executive management teams, Becker Associates facilitates group understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization.

We know that change cannot take place unless the organization has a strong strategic focus, listens to their customers and encourages team work.

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