workshop: quality function deployment (QFD)

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a proven methodology for taking the needs of the customer and turning them into product or service specifications.  Participants will gain a sound understanding of QFD and have ongoing access to personalized assistance in implementing this proven product development technique.  Participants learn to identify the four phases of QFD and apply them to successfully design products and services, plan process control strategies, and create control tactics that support a robust process. provides a full-time QFD facilitator for online coaching or one-on-one phone conversations.  A downloadable student workbook is available for a reference long after the online course has been completed.   The workbook recaps the highlights of the course and supplies participants with templates for use on their next QFD project.  The workbook also includes examples of how to use the QFD methodology in other applications, such as strategic planning.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the components to QFD
  • Identify historic dates in QFD
  • Summarize the benefits of QFD
  • Identify the difference between a true customer need and a technical solution
  • Define product specifications
  • Calculate a QFD matrix
  • Understand the critical focus within each of the four phases of a QFD process
  • Identify every room in each matrix of a four phase QFD process
  • Calculate risk factors in the planning and controlling phases
  • Evaluate a Phase I matrix - the "House of Quality"

Course Content

  • QFD Defined
  • Phases of QFD
  • QFD Principles and Timelines
  • How QFD Affects an Organization
  • The QFD Team
  • Increasing Time-to-Market
  • Turning Customer Needs into Requirements
  • Simple Matrix Exercises
  • Values into Symbols
  • The "House of Quality"
  • Steps to Building the "House of Quality"
  • Evaluating the "House of Quality"
  • Phase II - Product Design
  • Phase III - Process Design
  • Phase IV - Process Control
  • Exam

Course Length - 3 days

organizational change

Management's top priority is planning and ensuring that everyone is working on key business objectives.  We help organizations in the design and development of strategies for change and continuous improvement.

Working with executive management teams, We facilitate group understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization.

We know that change cannot take place unless the organization has a strong strategic focus, listens to their customers and encourages team work.

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